Springfield Utility Board

Springfield Utility Board needed to capture customer attention for its annual Customer Appreciation Week, during which they can pick up their free LED light bulb and favorite frothy coffee drink. Appreciation Week had been going on for years – customers always looked forward to the week. This time, SUB was interested in trialing a paid Facebook campaign for appreciation week – not necessarily to drive in more customers to get their free light bulbs, but to see what sort of engagement they could get from their customers.

We created animated videos that were fun and engaging – videos that would reflect the “we’re a small town and we’re here for you” vibe.  We rolled out the videos with variations in messaging as the week progressed, and dialed in a target audience that would most likely to participate.

The result: the paid portion of the campaign reached 13,778 Springfield residents, and more than 85% of them engaged with the paid posts in some way. Comments were overwhelmingly positive, and the page garnered 44 new likes during the week. The positive results are encouraging SUB to consider future social media campaigns.